Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hello, Aina's here, or Key, to anyone who recognize me by that name =) [I know some people only know my nickname instead of my real one]

I tried to log in to this blog before, and freaked out when I can't, probably because I got the password wrong or I totally forgot it -____-;; But then I realised I tried to log in using the Old Blogger format instead of the new one, where you just need to insert your email and password.

*insert sighs of relief here*

This is the first time I ever use Blogger[Blogspot?] though [I only used LiveJournal], so I'm not really used to it *cough* Anyway, I don't think it's too late for me to wish MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Christians in the world ^__^

Signing off for now, gotta continue with Data Struct lab work.


Anonymous said...

It's fun eh.. to be able to do SE assignment during the Data Struc lab.

I'm still waiting for your group's photo.


Cassiopeia said...

Hello puan! ^^

Um, when you do your work using the computer WITH Internet access, it's easy to get distracted by other things.. *cough* I shall call that multitasking =P

Oh yah! We'll post it as soon as possible!
