Monday, February 26, 2007


hossein will be the presenter today.....
hope he get ready....
good luck to all....


Sunday, February 11, 2007

So tomorrow we'll be presenting our blogs, and gah, I'm really nervous. Hopefully things will run smoothly. Right now I'm sure most of us are studying for the Operating Systems exam as well as preparing for the presentation.

Next week will be the last week before we'll go for Mid-Term break. Need to remember that the second presentation will be on Monday February 26th and we need to get our SRS ready by 23rd. I'm quite worry about this; I don't have Internet access at home since my Streamyx died last year. I guess I'll spend a lot of time at CyberCafe or something to do the work with the rest of the group members. Hopefully there won't be any police raid while I'm there.

All right the. Back to studying.

Well, good luck everyone! Do Your Best! =D

..Haha I actually got the song 'Do Your Best!' from musical 'The Prince of Tennis' stuck in my head for the last couple of days. I guess it's an inspiration? Except the line 'Do Your Best', the rest are Japanese, so I don't really know the meaning of the song much *cough*

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Past Report: Interview with Mdm Badariah

Date: February 5th 2007
Time: 4 p.m.
Venue: Mdm Badariah's room
Members Present: Hossein, Fazliza, Fatihah, Syafiqah, Aina

It was our turn to interview her to collect requirements for our portal project. We showed her the rough draft for our portal, but she said she wanted a tab-based page, like the Maxis site. She also said she would like to be given the status as administrator, meaning she'll have access to uploading [e.g:]past exam papers and also to make announcement in the portal. You are required to login to the portal and the students will be given the same username and password. Course notes and will also be available in the portal.

[February 6th Report]

There'll be no replacement class this Friday, so the presentation will be on next Monday instead. Whee.